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Showing posts from April, 2021

Black Death in Modern Era.

History repeats itself, as we know nowadays we are facing new covid wave and in this wave we see uncountable deaths. But do you know in 1310 BC to 1400 BC in China to Europe there was one disease which was called Black Death and if we read Boccaccio who wrote his own experience about that event. Every thing was wipped up in that epidemic, people faced hunger, there were no morals left in them and no more societical norms were not  existed  in that epidemic. Estimated deaths were 7 million to 20 million.  People had no relationships with their own children and they also believed that God has given them punishment for their sins..  Those days people quarantined themselves for 40 days on ships and if they stayed alive then they could walk on land or else they never existed  for people around them.  People didn't had hope even though one doctor invented masks and PPE KIT for doctors and they just used sugarcane sticks for the patients so they could analyse and understand the disease.